
In 2011 we founded PritchardPeck on a belief that it was possible to have it all: thoughtful, unique, quality design aligned with the values and goals of our clients, our designers, and our families. We knew it was possible to create beautiful, technologically advanced design while enjoying the process of collaboration, supporting our industry, and mentoring our designers to grow and feel fulfilled in their professional careers. By providing this balance to win both at work and at home, we are creating lasting life-long partnerships along the way.


This unique PritchardPeck chemistry brings a freshness to our work and a consistent high level of service for our clients. We believe in clear communication, the beauty of simplicity, and follow-through on all the details.


We look forward to working with you,

  • All
  • Commercial
  • Residential

At this year’s 2023 IES Lux Awards, our Stripe Headquarters project won an Interior Lighting Design Award! We’re proud of our design, and our amazing team that created this vision with our client. Read more about the project in the link below.


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We boast a tightly knit team, each with their own design superpowers. Learn how we build on each other’s talents to elevate our design process.

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Group photo containing full PritchardPeck Lighting staff
Number of active projects
Total project square footage
Collective years of lighting design experience
Number of four-legged support friends